Milk powder

Whole milk powder

STB 1858-2009


Fat content, %25.0/26,0
Moisture content, %, not more than4.0
Protein, % min 24.0
Solubility index, sm3 of primary sludge, not more than0.2
Milk purity group, not lower thanI
Acidity, °Τ, max.15-19
Quantity of aerobic mesophilic (coliforms) and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, CFU/gr, not more than1×104 for Extra Grade and 5×104 for Standard Grade
Coliform Bacteria in 0.1gr of productNot admissible
Salmonella in 25gr of productNot admissible
Listeria monocytogenes bacteria in 25gr of productNot admissible
Staphylococcus aureus in 1.0gr of productNot admissible
Shelf life and storage24 months  at temperature from 0 to +20°С and relative air humidity up to 85%